Monday, December 22, 2008

The third trimester is already crazy

Well last week I entered the third trimester and I can already see why women don't like it... My emotions have gone hay-wire once again!!! My poor husband he has to put up with it for three more months, even though sometimes he does cause my crazy mood swings today it was all hormones...I have been absolutely exhausted this past week too...Another symptom of the third trimester. The littlest things tire me out. Today I really didn't do much but clean the house and I am already absolutely exhausted!!!! I could go to sleep right now and sleep until tomorrow afternoon or that it what it feels like. The one thing that I have hated is since I have been pregnant I have not been able to sleep in. Every morning I wake up no later than nine. People are constantly telling me enjoy your sleep while you can. I am like I don't enjoy sleeping in now because I can't. However, at least my body will already be used to getting up early so it won't come as so much of a shock when my little bean is finally born!!

So Ryan and I still don't know if we will be moving to Arizona after the baby is born. I really would like to know. I am to the point now where I really don't care if we go or not I just want to know. If we are not going I would really like to get started on the nursery...I am not able to get my nesting done because it is put on hold because if we are moving then there really is no sense in doing all I want to do to the nursery because we will be moving to Arizona a little over a month after the baby is born. It is so frustrating!!!!

Another thing that is equally frustrating is the fact that Lee still has not left the house. I think this has frustrated me the most during my pregnancy. I want him GONE! He is so lazy and useless. Supposedly he is looking for a job, or according to Ryan he is. I still don't believe it. I just don't see how you find time to look for a job when you are constantly playing video games, sleeping, and drinking. Oh well. I guess I will just keep praying about it and God will work his magic!!

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