Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Nap time in bed

Gosh, I have not blogged in what seems like FOREVER! Things have been kind of hectic in the Metty household! Ryan has an ORI going on, on base. They are getting a grade to see how well they could go in if something bad was happening in the world and be ready to deploy..He has been working twelve hour shifts for what seems like FOREVER getting them ready for this ORI. I will be so glad when it is over. Hopefully, there will not be anymore excercises for a while. I have been busy studying for my GACE test in October. I swear studying for this makes me really un-easy about starting back school. Studying and being a mommy and keeping the house clean and having dinner ready is hard work. Ryan said me going back to school would take a lot of effort from the both of us; but he knew we could do it. I know we can do it. I think I am just going to be a zombie once I start back. I mean I don't think I will be getting very much sleep. So that is pretty much what has been going on around our household now on to what I intended on blogging about.

Since Kale has been born I have always let him take naps in his bouncer. They have been short little cat naps, probably because I end up waking him up but he takes a fair share of naps during the day. Well yesterday he was fussing away. I put him in his bouncer to bounce him so he would take a nap and he still fussed. I ended up getting really annoyed because I could tell he was tired he just would not go to sleep in his bouncer. I started getting frusturated at him so I put him in his bed and decided I would let him whine a little bit in his bed and he could just take a nap in his bed. It ended up working out perfectly. I could do things around the house without being worried about waking him up. I had a little bit of me time I felt like where I could do what I wanted instead of just sitting beside him trying to be as quiet and as mouse. Not to mention he took a longer nap then he normally would. Right then and there I thought about it and decided that I was going to make him take naps in his bed from now on. It just makes sense because I mean even when he gets to be two I still want him to take at least one nap. I think that kids that age still need naps. Well at that age there is no way he can fit in his bouncer or at least I can't bounce him in it. Not to mention that I am sure during the terrible two stage he will be a little rebellious. Well when it is nap time it is nap time and if I teach him now that when I lay him down in his bed he needs to take a nap then as he gets older I can lay him down in his bed, he can fuss a little bit but eventually take a nap. And I don't think he will be growing out of his crib anytime soon :) Everything I thought of was a positive to laying him in his crib for naps. I did it this morning too and he whined for a few mintues and went right to sleep :) and he has been sleeping for about 30 minutes now maybe even a little more. I am definitely going to start doing this!!!

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