Monday, April 27, 2009

8 week check-up

Well today was Kale's eight week check up. We had decided earlier to keep him with Dr. Griner. I mean we don't know what the peds. are like on base, but I had heard that Dr. Griner is the best in town. And we definitely want the best for our little boy. His appointment was at 2:15 so we fed him and headed that way. The office was packed and with old people, which was kind of weird because I thought Dr. Griner was a peditrician. I don't know I guess maybe he shares the office with someone else I am not sure. There wasn't any where to sit when we first got there on the well side so while I was filling out some paper work Ryan sat on the sick side. I said something to him because I didn't want Kale to be on the sick side when he wasn't sick because that is just asking to get him sick. The nurse up front agreed with me so Ryan moved to the well side and we just had to sit apart which wasn't that big of a deal. When we got into the room about 15 minutes later they measured him and he is 23 inches. She then measured his head and said it looked really good. I am very proud of myself, I have done really good to make sure he doesn't get a flat head. I try and move him from side to side, especially it seems like he is favoring a side. We then had to take his clothes off and get him weighed. The little booger weighed 11 lbs and 6 oz. haha :) I knew he had grown alot but I didn't expect him to have grown that much. The doctor said he is in the 50th percentile for his weight and he is JUST PERFECT!!! I asked her about his bowel movements because we were a little worried thinking that he might be constipated but the doctor said as long as his bowel movements are the consistency of paste or peanut butter than he is ok and he is. I told her about him straining and turning bright red right before he pooped and she said that is completely normal that her son does the same thing. That made me feel alot better she said if the consistency changed and we thought he was having trouble passing them we could give him a ounce of juice in water, that he was old enough now. I also asked her about his intake of formula and she said it was perfect. I knew it was, but my mom kept telling me she thought we were feeding him too much but the doctor said it is perfect and every baby is different and some will take more or less but we were doing good :) It felt good to know that I was right, sometimes when someone experienced tells you something you start to get insecure but I had already asked and they had told me that we were giving him what we should but my mom kept telling me it was too much and so I started to worry but she said if we were feeding him too much also that he would spit up and Kale hardly ever maybe once every blue moon spits up. After she got done checking him out the nurse came in shortly after that to give him his shots. I was so nervous. I didn't want to see my little boy in pain. She had to give him two in one leg and then one in the other leg. He SCREAMED in pain. I started to tear up. It broke my heart because he turned bright red almost purple, he was holding his breath. After she got done she told us to pick him up and hold him for a minute before putting him in his car seat because the last one she gave him would burn his leg for about a minute. He did so good, as soon as Ryan picked him up he immediately stopped crying. The nurse was shocked. She said she had never seen a baby quit crying that quickly. Most babies cried for at least one minute. She said he was a tough guy :) I was super proud of him but he did have the sniffles on the way out and he isntantly fell asleep. So far he has been pretty good we have been giving him tylenol every 4 hours and he has been sleeping a lot which they said would be normal if he wasn't fussy. He goes back July 1st for another round of shots! He is growing so fast and it is so amazing. It was funny also because when the nurse went to give his last shot she said I only have one more ok and he shook his head no...ofcourse it was coincedence but it was super cute and funny!! I am so thankful for having such a healthy amazing little boy!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Being A Parent is fun but tough

Like I said Ryan's friend Banta in town for only a week. So since he has been in town Ryan has been trying to hang out with him a lot. We have had such a hectic week. People have been over at the house since Sunday, plus our beach trip. So, I think it is a lot for Kale to handle. Last night the Chavies, Amy, and Banta came over to eat dinner. I tried to put Kale down at about nine because he looked exhausted. Well he would fall asleep and wake up and was just fussy on and off he would get really worked up. I held him in my arms and he finally went to sleep and I put him in his bed and he fell asleep. I just felt so bad for him. I think all the people at the house has just been a little too much on him. I mean he is only 8 weeks old so that is a lot to deal with. Last night I told Ryan that was enough, I didn't want anymore people at the house I wanted us to have a family break because it was starting to take a toll on our son and he is the most important thing in our lives. He is number one. Ryan agreed with me. It is just tough being a parent it is so rewarding don't get me wrong. I love when he talks to me and he smiles and every little new movement or milestone he makes it just melts my heart. The way he looks at me I can tell he has so much love for us. However, sometimes you want to hang out with your friends you want some you time but as I thought about it last night this little boy is number one and I want what is best for him. He finally fell alseep for good probably around 11 and he slept until six this morning. ALL NIGHT. I was super proud of him and excited too, but I am still exhausted. I have not been going to bed early because I am a host and I don't want to just say sorry company I am going to bed and leave Ryan to be the host. Last night I was so glad when Amy and Krista said they were tired and left, because that meant with only the guys left here I could go to bed too and wouldn't feel rude. I mean I don't have to keep the guys company Ryan can do that. This morning though I was still exhausted doing all that we have done this week has taken a toll on my body so I know my poor son is probably exhausted as well. He hasn't been napping all that well today either. Like I said earlier he fights sleep. I held him in my arms and he finally went down hopefully he will get a good nap in. But it took forever for me to get him to sleep.

Well Ryan and I finally talked to Ivy today and I think I have talked about this in an earlier post but Ivy and I used to be super close and since Kale has been born we kind of drifted. I went to hang out with her the other night and she spoke two words to me and that was it. It was really akward, I mean having a bestfriend and things are akward just isn't good. Well we talked about it the other day and kind of semi-worked things out. I mean once I thought about it, it isn't only her fault that we haven't talked I mean I haven't been calling her either so I can't pin point all the problems on her. She had invited us the other night when we were trying to work things out on the internet, she invited us to go out to eat tonight mexican with her and some people. So today I texted her and asked if they were still going. I don't want her to put fourth effort and Ryan and I reject everything she asks us to do. I mean we already couldn't go out to dinner for her birthday, which I felt really bad about. So I asked her the times and everything and told her we would be there. However, now I am starting to second guess it. I mean why go out to eat when you are going to be miserable the whole time because your son is exhausted and just needs some rest. I mean he is number one in my life and his best interests should come first and if she is really my friend she will understand right? I just don't know what to do. Like I said with things being as weird as they have been I don't want to cancel. I just don't know though. I think I am going to see how Kale is when he wakes up from his nap and if he is good and seems happy then maybe we can go grab a bite to eat and then hit the road once we are done. I am not sure if they are going up there just to eat or to booze and then go to Cuz's which we definitely won't do!

This is when the whole parenting thing gets hard. If there is one thing that I have come to realize is your life changes. I mean this little being comes first and if your life doesn't completely change and your child is not number one then something is seriously wrong and you are not parenting like you should be. I don't mind the change but I guess my biggest thing is I don't want to lose friends in the process, but it is like Ryan said if people can't understand then they aren't your friends to begin with and I really can't agree more!

I know everything will also get a lot easier on me once Ryan heals up from his back surgery which has been a very long process. I mean he can't really get up with Kale and help out that much because of his back. So alot of times I feel like a single parent. While he gets all this sleep I am the one who has to get up with our son. When I am so stressed out and feel like I am going to scream I can't be like ok dad step in because he does as much as he can. Don't get me wrong he has been a big help this past week but he still like I said can only really help out when his back is feeling good, which is only sometimes and another thing is a lot of the time I don't ask him for help because I don't want him to mess up the whole healing process. We only have a couple more weeks of this and it will be better and I really can't wait. I know Ryan can't either because he hasn't been able to be the active parent that he wants to be since Kale has been born. So 9 weeks later probably or maybe ten I will know what it is like to have the full blown help of a husband and a father. However, I love spending time with Kale I like boding with him which we have definitely done because I am the one who spends a lot of time with him that part is really nice!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Beach Visit #2

Yesterday we decided to go to the beach again. Ryan's friend, Banta, who used to be stationed down here is in town visiting and we figured it was something we could all do. Kale was really good on the way down there and really only fussed or cried when he was wet or woke up from a nap ready to eat. I was really impressed with him :) We got there and he was really good the whole time we were on the beach..well except when Chavies got him out of his stroller. It was a little windy and if there is one thing my son doesn't like it is wind. He absolutely HATES it. He hates fans, where they blow air directly on him, or sometimes he just doesn't even want it to be on. So when Chavies got him out he started fussing but as soon as he put him back in his stroller he was fine. We were out there from about 12-5 and he didn't start getting fussy until about five and that was because the wind had picked up. I wanted to leave at about that time because wind and babies is bad. Wind= ear infections and I definitely don't want my little boy hurting from one of those. He fussed until we got to the truck. I fed him, burped him, put him in his carseat and he was good to go. We stopped and ate at a oyster bar and he slept the whole time and didn't wake up until we were walking out of the restaurant I was very thankful for that.

On the way home however he was just so tired. He didn't nap like he normally does and had really only taken 2 good naps that day and he normally takes a lot more. He was exhausted and really sick and tired of being in his carseat so when he wasn't sleeping he was fussing. We had to pull over at a gas station and feed him because he was screaming at the top of his lungs, just so upset and I knew he just wanted to get out of his carseat and get a break. His poor little eyes looked so weak from lack of sleep, but one thing I have learned about Kale in the past week is he fights sleep so bad. I hope that this is just a phase and passes but I am not too sure. I was telling Ryan about it on the way home and said when he got older he would probably scream at the top of his lungs when we put him to bed; but, oh well we are the parents and we are the boss so we tell him when it's time to go to sleep; he doesn't tell us. It is so funny to watch him fight his tiredness though. His eyes will start to get heavy and he won't be bright eyed like he normally is and he will start to take really long blinks but fights until he can get gis eyes to open. he struggles and you can tell it is so hard, and what is even funnier is his eyes will even roll into the back of his head and he still tries to fight to keep them open and sometimes I am really suprised and amazed by his stubborness because you will think he is about to go to sleep and you look back over and he is staring around as if he was never fighting sleep. haha he is one funny guy.

Ryan and I did decide on the way home that we probably have been overwhelming him with people over at the house and the beach and everything we have done this week so we are going to take it easy. He is a really big homebody right now and just loves being in his bouncer and just hanging out in his comfort zone. Too bad his bouncer doesn't buckle up in the truck like a carseat or they don't make vibrating carseats he would be in hog heaven. haha :)

When we got home he was sleeping and after being home for like fifteen minutes he woke up and I gave him a bath. He was such a happy baby and was talking away at me. I am sure he was thinking wooh it feels good to be home. After his bath I put him in his bouncer and he instantly fell asleep and he slept until 5 this morning, which is amazing :)

After he went to sleep Ryan let me go out with some friends, which was really nice. I love my little boy but it was nice to have a little break and be able to kick my feet up. I think every parent needs a break every now and again just to keep your sanity. :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Everyone is gone

Yesterday afternoon my parents left to go back home. Ryan and I came back home after we went to eat with my parents and watched the episodes of Lost that we had missed while his parents were here. It was kind of weird though our house was so quiet. We didn't like it. Everyone acts like it is such a pain to have as much company as we have had but I don't mind it at all. I actually really enjoy it! So with everyone being gone the house was WAY too quiet. Ryan and I both didn't like it so we decided to call Chavies and his wife and invite them over because Banta was in town. So they were already out and about and ended up coming over for like three hours. It was really nice to chat with Krista and her friend Shawna. I really haven't had any of my friends over since Kale was born. Well Ivy acts like we aren't even friends anymore. I don't know if it is because she hates kids or because Andy wants to drink and well Ryan and I can't exactly go to the bar or I don't know if maybe it is because Andy is back from Iraq and she doesn't need to visit with friends anymore because she is lonely. Whatever the reason is she never calls anymore. I can't remember the last time she has called. Actually, yes I do it was to ask if we were going to be able to go to her birthday dinner. But whatever ovbiously she was not a good friend to begin with, and I don't have time for fair weathered friends in my life and Ryan agrees. But Krista is a really sweet girl and she loves kids and I really enjoy her company. It is just weird and kind of sad that all my bestfriends are in Atlanta and salt lake city and I am still in Valdosta. So, its just kind of hard being away. But I am an outgoing person and I know I will make more friends, this time I will just make sure they aren't fair weathered like some of the people I have met down here and I will make sure that they are life long friends. Who will always stick by me like I will them!:)

Kale's first beach trip

Friday we decided to go to the beach to get out of the house. Ryan just had back surgery and had to get two of his vertebra fused together and so he has been stuck in the house just laying around. He was feeling better so we all decided to go on a much needed outing. We got up around ten and started getting ready. Kale has grown a good bit but he still couldn't fit into his o-3 month bathing suit. It swallowed him WHOLE! I had also gotten him some really cute brown sandals which swallowed him whole also. So, we had to settle for a onesie. I was a little nervous how the ride down to the beach was going to go because Ryan didn't exactly know what beach we were going to go to. We had decided to drive down 319 and look for a kind of deserted family beach. Kale was awesome in the car he only cried once and that was just because he was wet and hungry. I was so proud of him!!! We got there and he did start to get fussy but that was only because it was time for him to eat again. We fed him a bottle got settled in and took some pictures. Kale absolutely loved the sound of the ocean! He had a blast however, he did not know what to think about the sand every time I stuck his feet into the sand he would curl them up as close as he could to his body. It was so funny. He didn't cry though and he kind of enjoyed having his feet stuck into the water but it was a little cold! We stayed on the beach for a while and just hung out and then decided to go get some dinner. There were not too many choices but I had seen a sign on a restaurant where oysters were four dollars and I wanted oysters so bad! We walked in and Ryan looked at the menu and said I had a made a bad choice. I didn't know why he thought that he told me to look at the menu. One meal was 70.00$ and that was for fried food that did not look that great. I was like oh my gosh. We decided to order some appetizers and a drink but not eat there because I know me and Ryan did not want to pay that and his parents didn't either. I did get my oysters though and they were super delish! We left there and drove down more and finally found a restaraunt. It was so good! They had these funky fans that Kale just stared at the entire time.

On the way home Kale did fuss a little bit but I think he was just a little sick of being in his carseat for so long. we pulled over in a parking lot and I held him for a few minutes and then put him back in his carseat and we got back on the road. He was so good the rest of the way home he just pretty much slept and looked around. I was so proud of him and so glad that Ryan got to be with us on his first beach visit because Kale and I are going to the beach with my mom and sister in June and its a girls only trip well minus Kale so at least we got to go to the beach so Ryan could see him on his first trip. It was also neat because we found a really cool beach that is not that far away so we can go back sometime again!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kale's first easter

We got to experience Kale's first holiday and it was so amazing. We went to target and bought him a cute little tonka truck easter basket. I had picked him out an elmo one and elmo was wearing bunny ears but once we saw the tonka truck we had to get him that one. It was so adorable. We got him this cute little stuffed animal to go in his easter basket and a rattle. I mean you really can't get a newborn baby too much for easter. It's not like he can eat candy. However, he really racked in the gifts for easter. My mom and dad, his nana and papa bought him 8 outfits haha :) my mom really spoils her grandchildren :) and Ryan's mom got him five outfits, 3 books, and a pack of socks. So he definitely racked up the gifts. His great nana bought him his easter outfit it was so cute on him but barely fit because he is growing out of his newborn outfits or pretty much has grown out of most of them. He is a growing boy!

We got so many cute pictures of him in his easter outfit and with his basket :) Then Ryan's mom and I cooked a big easter dinner. It was super delish too bad Kale couldn't enjoy it soon enough by next easter he will be eating what he can of our food :) I can't wait! He has been such a talker lately I mean he has been "talking" for a awhile now but he really goes to town now. He will talk to me for like 10-15 minutes straight. It is so awesome. He will start kicking his legs and working his arms like it takes everything he has to get out these little coos.

A new thing we have started is when I change his diaper I kiss all over his face and he absolutely LOVES it! He will smile so big and wait for me to do it again, and if I don't do it soon enough he makes this noise that lets me know he wants me to kiss him some more. He is also the most cuddly little boy I think I have ever met in my life. He takes naps on my chest and he has to be snuggled up in my neck. If I pull him down he will grab my shirt and pull himself back up into my neck. This little boy knows how to make his mommy feel so good!

Ryan and I have been talking and have decided that we want to have him a brother or sister in two years. I think that is the perfect age difference. Me and my sister are like bestfriends, and I definitely want him to be close to his sister or brother I want them to be able to have things in common and just be able to talk and play together :) I would have another one now if I knew we could handle it haha but once Kale starts teething I don't think we could handle a newborn baby on top of that but hey my mom did it and she had four of us in 6 years and she didn't have any help because my dad was working multiple jobs! I definitely give her props

in-laws visit

well ryan's parents came down Saturday and I could hardly wait. I love Kale and I love my husband but taking care of the both of them had been quite the struggle. I feel sorry for single parents who do it completely on their own. I give them major props, because Lord knows I could not do it. I love my son more than anything on this planet but after hearing him fuss for so long you just need a break and until Ryan's parents got here I was unable to have one. I have gotten some me time which has been fabulous and much needed. His mom has been such a HUGE help!

We went on Monday for Ryan's check up at the neuro-surgeon. He had some swelling in his back around the incision and the doctor said he had some fluid around it. He got this HUGE syringe out with a needle thicker than the one they used for the epidural. I started to cringe. It ended up being just a bunch of old blood and he got it all out so that helped with the swelling. Ryan also got his staples taken out and I definitely tried not to watch that being done. How did I think I could be a nurse when I first started school? I definitely so do not have the stomach for it. The doctor said that his back was doing great and he wanted to see him again in a month. Ryan's work had wanted him to come back in four weeks but the doctor said nope that he didn't want him going back until after he saw him again. I was excited about that. More quality time with Ryan at home and us as a family :). I love him being home. Too bad we both can't work and just be a stay at home family haha. I wish! The good thing about the military is he is getting paid for all this time off. Ryan is slowly being able to help out. The other night he woke up with Kale and fed him so I got to sleep through that which was awesome. I have such an amazing husband!

The nuero-surgeon's office is in Thomasville so we stopped and ate and it was nice to go on a date we haven't done that in a long time! Since Ryan's surgery and him not being able to handle Kale at all really, Kale has turned into such a mama's boy and I absolutely love it. He will get to crying because of a belly ache or something and Ryan's mom will try to calm him down and Ryan will try and calm him down and nothing will work until he is in his mom's arms and he instantly stops crying. It is such an awesome feeling to know he loves me so much. Whenever he is crying and hears my voice he will stop crying and listen to what I am saying. He is definitely a mama's boy and I am going to enjoy every minute of it because with boys at some time they become a daddy's boy because daddy's teach them sports and everything else but I will be the team mom and the loudest mom in the stands cheering him on.

Speaking of the surgery thank God again for the military and our amazing insurance. Ryan's surgery was a 30,000$ surgery and we don't have to pay a dime. But we did decide that Kale is definitely going to be a neuro-surgeon haha :) that man has to be rolling in mad benjamins...we could not believe that his surgery was that expensive!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ryan's Back Surgery

Well last Thursday Ryan had his back surgery. My sister and Jayden came down to help me out and to watch Kale so I could take Ryan to the hospital and hang out there with him for awhile. Jayden absolutely LOVES her cousin. She is such a helper to be as young as she is. She picks up on everything. My sister was feeding Kale a bottle and he got distracted and stopped sucking so I tapped at the bottom of the bottle. Jayden watched me and then a few minutes later was tapping at the bottom of the bottle haha it was so precious. Anytime he was laying in his bouncer or swing she would cover him up with blankets that were laying around or his burp cloths. That was really funny. However, I did have to watch her because at one point she tried to cover his face with a burp cloth, ofcourse she doesn't know any better. My sister was such a HUGE help though. Thursday we had to be at the hospital in Thomasville by 8:30 so I had to get my sister out of bed at about 7. I forgot what a pain she is to wake up. I went in there and was trying to be quiet so I didn't wake up Jayden because Taylor was going to lay with Jayden until she got up. Well I tapped on my sister and she would not wake up. So I tapped a little harder and then a little harder. She slapped me and told me to leave her alone. I was like ummmm can't quite do that. I kept tapping her and she kept telling me to leave her alone. I asked my brother to come in there and help me. At that point Kale started crying in my bedroom across the hall. Him crying with the guest bedroom door open woke Jayden up and she started crying. Well that got my sister up. HAHA. But I hated that Jayden was woke up, because that little girl takes after her mommy and needs her rest and if she doesn't get what she needs boy do you know it. I was kind of nervous for my sister because taking care of two babies is some work especially a newborn. I figured I would come back that night to her bald from pulling her hair out.

Well Ryan and I ended up running a little late and were speeding to get to Thomasville by 8:30. We got there right at 8:30. Ryan got checked in and a nurse who came to get him talked me through what they were going to do and about how long it would take. I had to sit in the waiting room and they would call down and let me know when they started surgery and call me with an update every hour they were in surgery. It was a long wait and I was so scared. Well he ended up being in surgery for about two hours. The doctor then came in a room and talked to me about the surgery and everything he did. He was not very helpful and really scared me. Well then I had to wait another hour and a half before I could see Ryan because he was in recovery.When I finally got to see me him he looked so pitiful he had blood on his lips from where they had stuck a tube down his throat. His voice sounded awful and he just seemed so uncomfortable and in so much pain. I started crying. He was so sweet though. He kept telling me how much he loved me and how wonderful I was. I stayed with him for a little bit but then had to get going because we have a son to take care of. I hated that I couldn't stay with him and he was so far away and all by himself. I started crying again about leaving him. I finally left and it was pouring rain. My car hydroplaned about one hundred times. I was so nervous and stressed on the way back. I finally made it back to Valdosta all in one piece. I called my sister and both babies were crying. she would pick up kale and jayden would start screaming. She would put down Kale and pick up jayden and kale would scream at the top of his lungs. I felt so sorry for her, but she was such a huge help. Ryan's aunt and grandma got into town that night too. They got Kale some cute calvin Klien onesies. Haha. He is already in designer clothing at 6 weeks!! They absolutely loved him and just kept talking about how cute he was!! and he is. He is the cutest little boy in the whole world.