Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kale's first easter

We got to experience Kale's first holiday and it was so amazing. We went to target and bought him a cute little tonka truck easter basket. I had picked him out an elmo one and elmo was wearing bunny ears but once we saw the tonka truck we had to get him that one. It was so adorable. We got him this cute little stuffed animal to go in his easter basket and a rattle. I mean you really can't get a newborn baby too much for easter. It's not like he can eat candy. However, he really racked in the gifts for easter. My mom and dad, his nana and papa bought him 8 outfits haha :) my mom really spoils her grandchildren :) and Ryan's mom got him five outfits, 3 books, and a pack of socks. So he definitely racked up the gifts. His great nana bought him his easter outfit it was so cute on him but barely fit because he is growing out of his newborn outfits or pretty much has grown out of most of them. He is a growing boy!

We got so many cute pictures of him in his easter outfit and with his basket :) Then Ryan's mom and I cooked a big easter dinner. It was super delish too bad Kale couldn't enjoy it soon enough by next easter he will be eating what he can of our food :) I can't wait! He has been such a talker lately I mean he has been "talking" for a awhile now but he really goes to town now. He will talk to me for like 10-15 minutes straight. It is so awesome. He will start kicking his legs and working his arms like it takes everything he has to get out these little coos.

A new thing we have started is when I change his diaper I kiss all over his face and he absolutely LOVES it! He will smile so big and wait for me to do it again, and if I don't do it soon enough he makes this noise that lets me know he wants me to kiss him some more. He is also the most cuddly little boy I think I have ever met in my life. He takes naps on my chest and he has to be snuggled up in my neck. If I pull him down he will grab my shirt and pull himself back up into my neck. This little boy knows how to make his mommy feel so good!

Ryan and I have been talking and have decided that we want to have him a brother or sister in two years. I think that is the perfect age difference. Me and my sister are like bestfriends, and I definitely want him to be close to his sister or brother I want them to be able to have things in common and just be able to talk and play together :) I would have another one now if I knew we could handle it haha but once Kale starts teething I don't think we could handle a newborn baby on top of that but hey my mom did it and she had four of us in 6 years and she didn't have any help because my dad was working multiple jobs! I definitely give her props

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