Sunday, May 10, 2009

First Mommy Boo Boo

So Kale has had a cold like I have written about before and he just can't seem to get over it...The PA the second time I took him to the doctor told me that they really didn't like to give little babies his age medicine and since he was already on medicine just showed me good ways to suck the boogies out of his nose and told me I was doing an awesome job and to keep up the good work. So friday night my parents were on their way down to visit and Kale was having a hard time falling asleep because his nose was stuffy. It always gets bad at night right before bed. So I decided I would suck the boogies out one last time to help him sleep better. Well we have been using saline drops which are in a little bottle that looks exactly like the swimmers ear drops that we got Kale not to long ago in case he splashed water in his ear now that he splashes around. Well without checking the lable I grabbed the bottle thinking it was the saline drops grabbed his booger sucker and went in there to suck his nose. I squirted the drops in his nose and he started screaming at the top of his lungs. I had no clue why he was screaming so bad, because we had been doing this for a week now and he doesn't necessarily like getting his nose cleaned out but he has never pitched that big of a fit. I immediately picked him up and started comforting him not noticing yet that I had put swimmers ear drops up his nose. As I was comforting him I looked down at the bottle and started freaking out. I immediately started crying and Ryan got on the phone with poision control because the swimmers ear drops is pretty much alcohol. I felt like such a horrible mother and kept asking myself how I could have been that dumb and made such a stupid mistake. Ryan was on the phone with poision control for a while and Kale had calmed down and fell asleep in my arms. Well because of his cold and the medicine he is on the toxologist told us to take him to the ER because it could cause respritory depression. I immediately started bawling my eyes out and rushing around to get everything together to take him to the ER I called my parents and told them what was going on. When we got to the ER we were pretty much seen immediately. My parents met us there and I was taken into one of the rooms. The doctor came in and was like we heard all about you, your the one who put swimmers ear drops in his nose right? I can tell you that, that made me feel great and I started to cry that much harder. He told me that it wasn't a big deal and that he didn't know why poision control had us come in here. Kale was acting absolutely fine alert in my arms and cooing away. This doctor couldn't get over how alert he was for his age either :) We have a very alert little boy what can I say. He told me they were going to hook him up to the monitors and monitor him for two hours because that was just procedure. So he was hooked up to the machine that monitored his heart rate, respirations and something else that I can't really remember. My mom came back in the room with me and Kale was just happy as could be. I think he thought we were on some kind of adventure it was 12 a.m. and he was bright eyed and didn't look like he was going to be going to sleep anytime soon. He was cooing away at my mom. I think he was telling her the story of what I had done to him. The doctor told me not to worry it was an honest mistake, but I still felt absolutely horrible. I mean I never thought I would be a mom to make that kind of mistake. I know all moms do at some point, but I just didn't think that I would be that kind of mom. I guess I wanted to be perfect. Well they monitored him for two hours and then the doctor came in and said he was absolutely fine so we got to take our little baby boy home. But BOY was it a scare. I will definitely hopefully never make a dumb mistake like that again. Kale went to sleep in the hospital around 12:40 and because he went to bed so late that night, which he normally NEVER does. He slept till 11:30 the next morning. I just wish he went to bed at his normal time and slept in like that everyday. It was a huge scare for me and Ryan and I really hope that nothing like that ever happens again. If something had gone wrong I would have never forgiven myself that little boy is my everything and I hated the fact that I had hurt him :(

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