Saturday, March 28, 2009

fussy babies

Well towards the end of my breastfeeding Kale was getting super fussy. Ryan kept telling me he had colic and me being a mommy, with my internal instinct knew that it was not. I have heard about colicy babies and I know that they scream for three hours straight and high pitch. Kale was not doing that but he was getting fussy around nine and staying fussy on and off until about eleven. Well once we switched him to formula he is no longer fussy at all. It was because he wasn't getting enough. Now he goes to bed at nine and sleeps until four or five. Such a difference.

However, before I stopped breastfeeding on one of his fussy nights Ryan did some research on fussy babies and we found this amazing website. It gave us all kinds of tips on how to help with fussy babies. One of them was bicycling their legs. Well even when Kale isn't fussy he absolutely LOVES laying on his daddy's stomach while his daddy bicycles his legs and tells him they are going to canada. Ryan will talk to him and Kale coos away back to his daddy. It is the cutest thing ever.

The website also talked about not letting your baby just cry. It is ok for a few minutes but the baby begins to think you're not meeting his needs and will start to stop to express his needs to you which is not good.

The website also told us about bouncing or dancing with the baby. Babies are used to this because in my womb they moved around and they like you doing this it automatically calms them down. And this so does work with Kale. In the morning time we have dance time. Kale loves country music. Well actually really he loves all music but we listen to country in the mornings and I dance around the living room with him. He LOVES it. He just stares up at me and is so content. This is also how I get him to sleep for his morning nap.

The website really did help us and it helped us to better understand why Kale does some of the things he does.

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