Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Growing Boy

It is so amazing to watch Kale. I feel like he grows and learns a little bit each day. Since he has started sitting up each day I notice that his back is a little stronger. He doesn't fall back as much and can sit up for really long periods of time. He looks so BIG when he is sitting playing with his toys and watching the sprout channel in the mornings when I am getting things cleaned up! It makes me sad but at the same time I am such a proud mama. I love watching him explore, which he does all the time now. Yesterday he became amazed with the carpet. I had him laying on his blanket for tummy time and he was trying to grab the carpet and raking it, trying to pick it up...then when he was sitting later he was doing the same thing. The kid still is extremely infatuated with his feet. He is constantly grabbing at them and playing with them. Yesterday he did this while sitting up...he just kept playing with his feet. He has been SUCH a talker lately too and he is saying even more vowels...lately he has been saying what sounds like ba...it is so precious!! I love to hear him talk and I will provoke him and ask him questions like it says to do in the book and he just answers away like he knows exactly what I am saying. He also has definitely developed a personality...he loves peek a boo and anytime I walk in the room he smiles. He has his moments where he shows me his tude and times when he is so funny!

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