Thursday, August 20, 2009

Some Serious Sleep Problems

So here for the past few weeks Kale has been having some major problems with his sleep schedule. During the day he still takes his naps just like he always has. However, at night time he goes to bed when he is supposed to 8:00-8:30; however, he has been waking up several times during the night. I mean this is worse than it was when I brought him home from the hospital. At first I chalked it up to teeth pain and thought it was waking him up in the middle of the night. I really do think that a few times in the past that is what it has been. However, it has not been like that lately. Last night I put him down at 8:30 about thirty minutes after I put him down he was screaming. I figured I would feed him because it was time for him to eat again and put him down again. That should have been the warning sign: MOMMY THIS IS GOING TO BE A BAD NIGHT...silly me didn't think anything of it. After I fed him and bounced him in his bouncer for about 5 minutes the kid was out again. I put him back in his bed and didn't hear a peep from him until probably about twelve he woke up screaming and I brought him into our room. It seemed like he was in pain because he wouldn't stop crying. I gave him some tylenol and he fell asleep in my bed. I let him sleep with me for a little bit, but the kid moves around like a little worm. He is definitely a wiggle worm. I couldn't take it anymore so I put him back in his bed. He slept but not soundly until about 4. He cried out and i went in there and he was sleeping on his tummy. I am still not comfortable with him sleeping on his tummy even though he is rolling over fine and everything. So I moved him to his back. BIG BIG BIG mistake. It woke him up and he started crying. I got him out of bed and fed him a bottle. After the bottle he was not tired. I think he thought it was time to get up and play...UMM NO! not time for mommy. He cooed and moved around and just was not sleepy what so ever. This went on for about an hour. Finally I was at my wits in he had been up for over an hour, and with him up that meant mommy was up. I put him in his bed and was going to let him cry it out. My mom told me around 6 months is when they start testing you. They had to let my brother cry it out in his crib and I wasn't going to let him think he was the boss. So he cried. The kid is definitely testing me out. He would whine and then stop like to see if I was coming. He would realize I wasn't coming and then cry again. After his whine didn't work he went to full out crying. I went in there put his passy in his mouth and turned on his mobile twice but I was not getting him out of that crib!!! Ryan got up for work and I guess heard him crying, he came in the room to see if I was sleeping through it or something and I told him I was just letting him cry. Of course it is kind of a lose lose situation for mommy because when he is in the bed playing he is keeping me up when he is crying in his bed he is keeping me up it is not like I can turn off the monitor. Ryan went in his room put his passy in his mouth and turned on his mobile. By this point I was beyond exhausted and fell asleep. Ryan came in and told me he was asleep. I could barely hold my eyes open to carry on a conversation with ryan. He said he was sorry he kept me up, and he would watch him tonight and let me go to bed early. I fell asleep for a few short minutes but not good sleep because ryan was in and out getting ready. I was finally ready to fall asleep as ryan was leaving.....well Kale had other plans...he is going through this thing where everytime daddy leaves for work he wakes up. I don't know if ryan is too loud or if kale has some 7th sense. As soon as the garage door shuts kale starts to is so weird. I listened today to see if Ryan was that loud and he isn't. I just don't get it...Most of the time I can get Kale to go back to sleep not today...awake at 6:40...Alot of people who have multiple kids are telling me this is a stage...that he is trying to show me who is boss but I am so ready for this stage to go away...My whole body hurts and I am exhausted...I can barely get my chores done during the day...but once I am up I am up so it's not like I can take a short nap...I am hoping this phase ends very soon!!!!

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