Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Eye and Stomach Teeth

Really? does a little boy get much cuter? He is obsessed with daddy's hats! Especially daddys work hat!!!!
Kale decided he wanted to ride Lou! Poor Lou looks so thrilled!!!
He looks just like the Bucknors in this picture.. He actually looks like a little Taylor in this picture...so much it kind of freaked me out!!!
Doesn't he look just pitiful right here? He snuggled with me all day! I have to say I felt bad for him because his teeth were hurting so bad BUT I LOVED how cuddly he was!
Can you tell his teeth hurt? His hand has permanently in his mouth for 2 days now~! Two days ago Kale woke up at 7 which is SO NOT like him! I mean 8:30 is the earliest this little boy wakes up. When we got him out of his bed he was burning hot! We gave him some tylenol. I knew it was his eye and stomach teeth...not to sound too grosse but I knew these bad boys were coming due to his diapers...These have definitely been the worse coming through! Which I mean is kind of understandable they are like daggers! Sure they don't feel too good when trying to poke through the gums!!! Kale has always been a great teether. I mean he whines more but he still sleeps through the night and really isn't horrible AT ALL! I never really have to give him medicine for teething he just copes with it himself. Well these teeth are totally different. I have a pretty wild child...I mean I guess wild is the wrong word but the kid is always moving always going...I mean he is definitely a job! Well these past two days all the kid has wanted to do is lay in our bed or on the couch and cuddle. He has barely played or anything. I swear someone has switched children with me! He has definitely been whiney and has not been eating at all. I can't even get him to eat his bananas good :( I feel so bad for him and wish I could take his pain away but unfortunately I can't. I can just love on him and try and make him feel as comfortable as I possibly can!!! I have loved the cuddly guy that I have had for the past two days but I am ready to have my wild child my independent guy back! After these teeth that's it! Kale now has a mouth full of teeth! At least I know we won't have to do this teething thing anymore after this. The worst were saved for last and then it is over!!!!

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